Fresh and exciting, gadgets and technology blog

Welcome to TTDI. This blog site is our place to write about all those geeky things in the news. We’ll be covering interesting and new gadgets and gizmos, new software companies, computing concepts and technical software. Our topics will cover anything that we think is fascinating, exciting and original.

Is it time to spruce up your home security?

Homes without any form of home security are apparently five times more likely to get burgled than those with simple security measures. If you don’t have, or only have basic security measures in place here’s small changes you can put in place to significantly reduce your chances of being burgled.

Simple steps like hiding house keys and car keys out of sight and away from the letterbox, asking a neighbour to keep an eye on your property whilst you’re away, locking side gates and making sure no DIY equipment is on hand such as ladders and tools will help keep your property secure.

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The Neighbourhood Watch scheme now has over four million members. Setting up a local scheme if your area doesn’t have one already is free and easy to do. You can contact your local police force who will send you all the necessary details, leaflets and stickers. Or alternatively visit the Neighbourhood Watch website for further details:

Secure Doors & Windows

Make sure all your windows and doors have top quality locks in place, and even if you are just in the garden make sure you lock up. It’s unlikely you’ll hear someone walking into your home if your playing with the children at the bottom of the garden. UPVC doors should be double locked and bolt chains used. If you’d like to get advice about improving your window and door security, contact the Master Locksmiths Association –

Motion-activated Lights

If you have outside lights make them motion sensitive so that unwanted visitors will be thrown under the spotlight should they approach your property. Install them into passageways as well as the front and back of your property. To save on electricity bills you can always use solar powered lights.


Not only will CCTV cameras act as a deterrent but they will also provide incriminating evidence to help you get justice should the worst happen. There are multiple systems available from individual cameras to complete home security systems, as well as wired cameras to wireless home alarm systems like those provided by Secure Home Shop. Video doorbells are also a great way of communicating with any visitors that knock at your front door and what’s more they don’t know if you’re in or out! Brilliant also for keeping an eye on the kids to make sure they’re safely home from school. If you are thinking about installing CCTV why not contact a specialist company beforehand so that they can give you the best advice and guidance for your property.


Home alarm systems can be expensive to fit but as they are great deterrents it can be money well spent. Make sure you get your system checked every year – which may be a condition of your insurance – and remember to use it! Too many home owners only use their alarms when they are away for longer periods of time, but you should set your alarm system whenever you leave your home unattended. Home alarms give peace of mind that your property is being protected even when you’re not there.

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